I of course spent the first few months pregnant and preparing for our new addition. We were still getting adjusted to life in Georgia and settling into our new home. We brought some ice and snow down with us as GA/TN experienced more than they have in MANY years. I was still trying to get used to being a stay at home mom with the boys home and then school gets cancelled for over a MONTH (yes worlds longest Christmas break) and I have all three of them home full time stuck at home because the transportation department down here is totally not prepared for that white stuff that falls from the sky. Roads were not touched for weeks and businesses were completely shut down. Talk about cabin fever.
Once we got past the bad winter, things started to look up as Spring weather was beginning and the older kids were playing spring sports. Payton played softball and Cole baseball. They both did great and somehow I survived carting them all over the county and managing practice schedules and games by myself as Jay worked constantly. I did have to choose which kid got to play on a couple of occasions as they had games at the same time at very different locations.
Then the most tragic thing I have ever experienced happened - a string of horrible tornadoes hit our area and actually touched down half a mile from our house. Our tiny little town of Ringgold, Georgia was almost destroyed. The devastation was overwhelming and I still cry when I recall the faces, businesses, homes and trees. The days, weeks, and months that followed were amazing to watch as this little town pulled together and rebuilt bigger and stronger than ever. I felt so close to complete strangers and a sense of community was great. It made us so proud to be residents of such a great town!
Of course in the midst of the devastation we had our precious baby Lilah Grace (just two days after the tornadoes). She is absolutely amazing and definitely completes our family - she was the missing piece. She certainly made me work for it however. This was by far the most difficult pregnancy (yes I would even surpass the bed rest with Payton to how sick I was with Lilah) as well as the most difficult delivery. But I did surprise myself (and probably Jay a tad bit as well) at how strong I was and how well I handled the pain.
Jay was off for 5 weeks once again (totally love Costco and their bonding leave - this makes 20 weeks he has received) and we loved having him around. He was able to be there for all the practices and games for the remainder of the spring season and we did as much as we could as a family. The summer went by very fast but at the same time kinda slow. Fast in terms of Lilah growing and me not accomplishing any of the things I had planned but slow in terms of having 4 kids home with me full time and becoming a bit annoying :) I love my kids to death and feel extremely blessed and happy that I am finally able to be home with them on a full time basis but by the beginning of September I was more than ready for school to start!
We did manage to fit in some fun times at several playgrounds, bowling, aquarium, zoo, the pool, play dates, nature center, and some other local attractions. I love the fact that I am able to do these things with the kids with minimal planning and that Jay has a work schedule that allows him to participate often as well. The other thing that I really enjoy as part of my new life as a SAHM is that I can go to the kids schools and participate in class parties and other activities as well as volunteer my time as often as possible.
Of course the summer brought some major losses to our family as our beloved yellow lab, Maverick, passed away on July 1st from heart troubles. He was 12.5 years old and a huge part of our family. The kids all rode him around like a horse and layed on him like a pillow. I am happy that he was around to meet Lilah Grace and enjoy our new home for a while. That same month one of our cats, Rajah, suddenly passed away making the kids very sad as he was one of the kittens Jay got for them just two years ago.
The fall brought the start of a new school year with Payton in the First grade and Cole in Pre-K. Both are doing well and enjoying school. New friends have been made by all and this makes me especially happy as I have found a group of amazing ladies that I am proud to call my friends. These women are so selfless and have already done so much for our family. All of our children are around the same ages and really enjoy playing together which makes spending time with my friends that much better.
Fall also brought a new sports season (we took the summer off) with Payton cheering and Cole playing baseball again (he is really good). It was great seeing them both in action.
At the end of October I was ready to give in to the daily requests from the kids for a new puppy and we adopted an adorable tiny puppy from a rescue. Bella Skye has become part of the family and
Although the house continues to be a work in progress and I am always trying to improve upon the organization, I have re-discovered my passion for crafts and organizing. I have completed many small projects this year and have many, many more planned for 2012!
The holidays were a blur with our busy schedules but we managed to enjoy some quality time together just the six of us.
Looking forward to 2012 I have so many resolutions/plans and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all but I figure I will take it one day at a time and do the best I can!
I wish the best to all reading this and here's to an amazing 2012 :)
Love! : )