Many factors went into making this decision and I pondered over them a great deal. First of course was my own personal health. My RA (rheumatoid arthritis) is worse than ever and most mornings I can barely function. I cannot open jars or bottles and trying to dress Lilah is a long process. Carrying the kids is almost out of the question and buckling their carseats takes a great deal of pain and effort. I cannot treat my RA while nursing as none of the meds are safe for her and I am continuing to do permanent damage to my joints the longer it goes untreated. Jay informed me that I will be a better mother in the long run if I take care of myself.
Along the same line is the fact that I have found myself to be on edge more recently (hmmm go figure with four kids age 6 and under) and I have become short with the kids and lacking motivation. Soooo it is about time to find something to help me cope a bit better.
And the biggest deciding factor is my milk production. I guess I should be happy that I was able to nurse four babies as long as I did. What really did me in is having to cut out all milk and milk products from my own diet due to Lilah's milk protein allergy. It is really hard to produce a sufficient amount of milk when you are not getting any yourself. Of course part of me feels like I have failed in some way! And don't even get me started on the cost of the special formula that has to be used without any milk protein (double the cost of the other stuff).
Looking on the bright side I guess I can have a milkshake, chocolate cake with ice cream and chocolate sauce, and any other yummy treats I have been missing out on.
Taryn, how can you feel that you have failed when you have done everything so right! You're an amazing Mom! :)