Further, each of our children are so unique and do things in their own special way that I am continuously surprised by how different they can be. Lilah Grace - aka LG or Lilah Bug (L-Bug) has had a ton of personality since birth. I look back at photos of her and see her many expressions and faces that she makes it should be no surprise that she is blossoming as a toddler! I find she does some things much earlier than I recall the others doing but then other things she takes her sweet time with (such as crawling, getting teeth, walking, and potty training).
So here goes - in no particular order just as they come to mind:
- Talking - this probably amazes me the most since Graham decided not to talk for 3 years. It is so exciting to hear the things that will come out of her mouth and try to figure out what she means when rambling words together into sentences. Some of my favorites are the way she says "turtle" with two distinct syllables and the second "T" is so pronounced :) She calls Cole "Dole" and it drives him crazy. I call G "Grammie" so her version is "Wee-Wee" which also really bothers him. I put this into "The Good" category :)
- Talking back - yes this has started very early with this one. I tell her to do something she replies "NO" I then tell her to stop saying no to me to which she replies "Nah-UH" Very smart girl! tonight it was a "nah-uh/Uh-huh battle. I will put this in "The Bad" category because who knows where this will go
- Potty training - We are either hot or cold on this one. She loves the potty one minute and agrees to sit on it and hates it the next refusing to go near. We have always potty trained naked so they are better able to respond when they have to go. This week she decided to squat in the boys room right in front of Cole and poo - the kids found this hilarious. I will put this in "The Ugly" category
- Dressing herself - she is picking up on how to put clothes on and takes an interest in her wardrobe "The Good"
- Undressing herself - although at times this can be helpful she has been undressing every night and sleeping naked - "The Bad"
- Trying to dress/undress her - this definitely goes into "The Ugly" as it usually consists of me chasing her around while she is naked as she laughs and I grow increasingly frustrated because we are always late. Once I get her down the kicking begins (her not me) and the tears come (me not her) :)
- Climbing out of her crib - yes she can get out and has been found roaming around the rooms destroying everything in her path while the bigger kids sleep - "The Ugly"
- Comedian - she LOVES to entertain and make people laugh. She does some of the funniest things and I cannot even begin to describe them or explain how cute they are. "The Good"
- She's a dancing queen - this girl loves to move and has rhythm. Just a few notes of music and she's off. Her shoulders and head start to bob and then the booty shakes - "The Good"
- Her intelligence - she is very smart and quick to pick up on things - this will go into all three categories as I love that she is eager to learn but she also picks up on bad things from her siblings :(
Overall this is a very fun age and re-discovering things with her is awesome. I find myself missing the tiny little needy baby that wanted me to hold her and love on her :( But then she does something that lights up my day and I realize the things ahead are just as precious.
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