This morning she really cracked me up and since it has been a while since I have posted I figured this was the perfect time to jump back in. Jay typically has mornings but this morning he went into work early so I was tasked with getting all the kids ready for school. Once we got the big kids on the bus I told LG it was time to get dressed and asked if she wanted to help me pick out her outfit for the day. She excitedly jumped from the table and announced she wanted to wear her "Tilda Jane" so we went upstairs and into the closet. She immediately went to her Matilda Jane section and picked out a dress announcing she would look "bootiful" in it. We put it on and I then went to grab TT some clothes when LG says "I want TT to match me, put her in the matching dress". I told her she did not have that dress and she proceeds to point to one of the fabric panels on her dress and says "yes she does have a dress with this pattern" - sure enough I look and the said fabric is in one of the dresses TT has :) Quite impressive for a 3 year old (Jay will say that I have created a monster but I will argue she is an adorable, well-dressed monster).
Then the accessories discussion began and went something like this:
Me: Now to find something for your hair
LG: I want a bow
LG: A BIG bow
Me: How about this headband I made from a MJ bag?
LG: Well okay but put it in a ponytail first
Me: I was thinking we could do a bun today
LG: Hmmmm I really don't like buns, I prefer ponytails because it shows how long my hair is
Me: A silly comment about how much I like her buns and how cute they are :)
LG: Giggles
We decided not to wear a necklace today since the front of the dress has ruffles but did pick some cute boot socks and cowboy boots along with a jean jacket. Then we head downstairs to do her hair. She is complaining about the bun the entire time I do it but I finally show her a picture of other girls with messy buns and she agrees she will try it. Of course I missed a spot when applying her hairspray so she made me do it again.
I started a tradition when she was just a baby and I realized I had gone a little overboard with clothes so I decided to take a picture of her in each of her cute outfits since she typically only wore them once. I even have a Facebook album titled "The Outfits of a Tiny Diva". As she got bigger we used the same wall for these pictures since it doesn't have any glass or mirrors and a nice solid background. Now almost daily if I do not ask she tells me we need to take her picture and she promptly heads to "her wall". Today she told me that she wanted to take the picture twice - once with the jean jacket and once without. Well obviously I cannot say no to this adorable face :)
She of course asks to see them and once approved off we go to preschool :)
Oh and of course a pic of the messy bun since it took serious convincing:
The ride to school was also entertaining as I don't think she stopped talking the entire time. Her favorite topic was telling me how unfair it was that I took TT shopping to Target and then "Wawmart" without her. Once at school she runs off to play with her friends without barely looking back but I know as soon as she sees me in the pick up line she will run into my arms and request her "hug and kiss" as she always does!