What I had envisioned was colored letters with either white or complementing colors circles/dots/spirals. Well once Baby L arrived I painted the letters (in the first week of birth) and asked Jay what he thought about the circles and such. Seeing as I could hardly wait to get them hung and patience is not one of my stronger virtues; the fact that my free-hand painting skills are weak at best; and that we had decided to paint the focal wall with stripes; Jay advised that I leave them solid. Now I just have to add at this point that all my excitement and anticipation to have the nursery "complete" was not because we had tons of visitors and people to admire the nursery - NOPE it was for my own personal benefit. The feeling of completion; the countless times I stood in the nursery staring at the wall admiring what we had done; and of course to take pictures and share them with family and friends who were not able to see it in person!
I was happy with what we had done until a friend (and also my favorite photographer) posted a photo of what she was doing for her daughters big girl room. So now I am back to my personal dilemma of "circles/dots or not?". At this point Jay is like "whatever - just do what you want" so he is no help ;) So I am setting this to a vote.
Here is what the letters look like currently:
And here is the way I was thinking of doing them (either all white or using complementing colors on the different letters):
Now this picture was "borrowed" from Cindy Stansberry (credit where credit is due) and she did a great job - so great that I want to copy her.
It may help to see the entire wall and the bedding:
And here is the whole nursery:
Now most items in the nursery do have little dots on them but I feel that it is not overkill and that since this is the "theme" it is okay to use it throughout (but I am very open to other opinions).
Finally, for good measure here is a shot I like which includes precious Baby L in her crib:
Okay so now that you are armed with all the info - what do you think? Circles/Dots or Not???